Purposeful change through meaningful conversation

I have learned that we as individuals hold many of the answers and solutions to our own challenges.

As a fully qualified Executive Coach from Henley Business School, all I am doing is lending a hand to look for the key to unlock the door.

The mind and body are very interlinked and our emotional health has a huge impact on our physical health and vice versa.

There are many reasons for considering a coach. You may be at a crossroads with your career, a particular life challenge and looking for solutions or perhaps a direction towards a particular goal, or simply looking for ways to develop your strengths to propel you towards living the life you truly want to be living.

By looking for a coach and exploring some possible solutions, you have taken the first step in reaching your full and deserved potential.

  • “We have been partnering with Simon for over a year on a programme of wellness and coaching for our team. Simon has proved to be a valuable and integral part of our company with insightful talks on a wide range of performance enhancing subjects and general wellness. Simon’s approach and style has created a positive engagement in these important subjects, supporting our culture of attracting and retaining great people. I would genuinely recommend Simon to any business that is looking to add value to their team's development.”

  • “Simon has been a tremendous support through my career transition to CEO. Working with Simon has helped me discover my strengths and supported me in unpacking some of the challenges and supporting me with positive focus. Having Simon to talk to on a confidential basis and with his broad career, life experiences and knowledge has been incredibly valuable.”